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Share and Discover: NC Human Services Document Repository

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Share your documents with the public. Please be aware that this is an open repository. Anyone can access the documents you provide. Do not upload any document containing confidential information.

You must log in to share any documents. Please contact Kristi Nickodem ( if you need the password.

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Discover documents by using the site search or browsing the six main categories: Governing Boards, Consolidated Human Services Agencies, Public Health Agencies, Social services Agencies, Human Resources, Public Relations.

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Before uploading a document, please read more about how to use the Repository and learn how you can alert us to entries that need to be updated or removed.

Using the Repository

Share, Discover, Discuss

This repository is a website where users can upload documents into specific categories. For example, a director may want to hear from colleagues about ideas for organizational charts or examples of job descriptions. The director would first check the document sharing site to see what is already in the system. If questions still remain, the director can send a note out to the listserv asking others to post the needed resource on the site.

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The UNC School of Government will not be reviewing the content on this site for quality, identifying “models,” or otherwise endorsing any forms or documents posted to the site. When a user uploads material, it will be immediately visible. It will not be evaluated or approved by a moderator of any kind. The School of Government periodically checks the site to make sure it is not being misused, but does not otherwise moderate or evaluate any content. If you identify any content that should be removed or replaced with an updated version, please contact Kristi Nickodem at

Most recent entries

Forsyth County DCM/HHS Director Responsibilites

Diagram showing responsibilities of Forsyth County DCM/CHS Director. Also shows in pink indirect responsibilities. Indirect responsibilities include collaborations but no supervisory responsibility for agencies.

CHSA Presentation for County Commissioners

Presentation from the 2018 Commissioner Winter Worksession to provide options to Commissioners and recommendations for moving forward.